Live & Work - Kia noho, kia mahi hoki

Nau mai! haere mai! Marlborough is a place to call home.
Marlborough’s caring community and thriving economy is grounded in a unique natural environment and abundant wilderness, offering great work-life balance.
Live in Marlborough
Make Marlborough your place of choice to live.
The very first people of Aotearoa chose the Wairau Bar, ‘Te Pokohiwi o Kupe’, near Blenheim and since then generations have settled here to create a new and more fulfilling life. You and your family can do the same.

Work in Marlborough
Make Marlborough your place of choice to work.
If you want to have it all — career, community, work-life balance, and fantastic employment opportunities across multiple industries — you can have it here. Marlborough is a great place to work.