Marlborough Horticultural Society Summer Show

Events  >  Marlborough Horticultural Society Summer Show
The Marlborough Horticultural Society are holding their annual Summer Show on Saturday 23rd November. They hold three shows per year and the Summer one (The 'Rose Show') is particularly exciting as it showcases the best of the region's roses and other summer flowers. There will be all types of rose classes and help from MHS members for novices to stage their finest blooms. There are classes for many other summer flowers, houseplants, fruits and vegetables and special classes for children.

The Bonsai Group and Floral Art Society will be represented and there will be many sales tables, including a Society fundraiser of exhibition dahlia tubers, ready for planting. Come along to St Christopher's Church Hall at Redwoodtown from 10am - 3pm. $2 entrance.

Anyone can enter their roses, flowers, fruit or vegetables, as a novice, even if they've never done so before. Entrants can win certificates and trophies. There are lots of MHS members who will help new entrants to display their flowers. Staging the exhibits will take place on Friday 22nd November and judging occurs on Friday evening ready for the Saturday show.

It's just $2 at the door and entrance is free to all MHS members. It's held at St Christopher's Hall, at Redwoodtown and there is complimentary tea and coffee for everyone at the venue.

For further information ring the Show Secretary, Philip, on 03 578 0016 or email
23 November
10:00AM - 3:00PM
All Ages

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