QCT Jetty Drone 21 Of 45
Welcome to Marlborough
Nau mai! Haere mai!
Updated Regional Map [Recovered]

Marlborough is a place based at the geographic centre of Aotearoa New Zealand.
A place blessed with many different story lines, bound by the Nukuo Ariki - the four valleys. Standing strong together to protect its people and place. These four valleys are: Te Hoiere- Pelorus Valley, Kenepuru - Havelock and surrounding Sounds, Wairau - Blenheim, Renwick and beyond, and finally Awatere - Seddon, Ward and beyond.

Be a guardian of Marlborough, connect with its locals, be curious to try something new, be connected with the environment. Be active. 

Explore Marlborough.

Meet in Marlborough

Planning your business event, conference, convention or incentive group in Marlborough is easy and, in a region known for its warm, genuine hospitality, will set your event apart from the rest.

Marlborough has a wide selection of unique venues that specialise in organising and hosting events of all kinds and sizes. This is truly the ideal place to welcome your delegates, clients or colleagues for a successful and memorable event.

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Call Marlborough home

Marlborough is a way of life

Marlborough offers a special way of connecting with each other and the natural environment. It is the ‘why’. Living and working in Marlborough is about choice. Choose a great work and life balance for you and your extended family.

Three cyclists riding in Marlborough against a background of tussock-clad hills

Screen Marlborough

Marlborough is film friendly

There is abundant natural talent here from maunga to moana. Screen Marlborough provides support for filmmakers and producers in collaboration with Nelson/Tasman for Te Tauihu (the Top of the South) and other regional film offices in New Zealand.

A cameraman films the action on the set of Northspur

Do business in Marlborough

Innovation flourishes here inspired by the land and our people. This is a great place to invest and bring your business vision to life. There is local support for business and inspiring initiatives to get involved in.

Captured in Marlborough

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